Extensions: Things to consider before you start!
Need more space? Why not consider an extension? It is a great idea for more space as well as potentially adding more value to your home. Before you decide to go ahead here are a few things to think about.
All extensions are not equal. You can have a two storey or perhaps a single storey. You can go for the front of the house, at the back, maybe over the garage. Let’s not forget the side of the house. There are a lot of things to consider.
1. Will it add value?
Extensions offer economic space but do you really benefit? Is it a practical use to extend. You also need to look at the value, will it add value? Speak to an Estate Agents for advice. In some case it won’t add value or the investment will outweigh the overall cost.
2. Building regulations and Planning
There are certain extensions that will not need approval but you would still need Building regulations approval. On the other hand planning may be required adding to the overall timescale of the build. It could also get rejected. There are areas to consider that need minimum requirements for approval.
Do your research about what needs planning and what Building regulations are relevant. If it done early you will not have expensive costs or refusal after paying out.
3. Size matters
Bigger is not always better. It might be that you can create more space with what you have without costing thousands for an extension. Clever design might work better for you. Will the extension cut down space outside? Should you consider a small more clever extension rather than a larger one?
4. Party wall act
The Party Wall Act allows you to carry out work on, or up to, your neighbours’ land and buildings, formalising the arrangements while also protecting everyone’s interests. This is not a matter covered by planning or building control.
If your house extension involves digging or building foundations within 3m of the boundary, party wall or party wall structure, or digging foundations within 6m of a boundary, the work will require you to comply with the Party Wall Act. In these cases you may need a surveyor to act on your behalf. The act does not apply in Scotland.
5. Other things to consider
- Building on or near sweage?
- Single storey or Double storey?
- Is a larger boiler needed?
- Where will you live while works are being completed?
- Access
- Old house and New house compatibility
- Insurance
- Conservation areas
- Privacy
- Protected trees, plants and land
- Budgets!
- Light
There are so many areas to consider. Our designers and team can walk you through it and we can cover all areas before we start to reduce surprises later on. Contact us here.